I’ve been joining in with project this on and off for the past two years but this year I am going to try and commit every month. After all it’s so lovely to look back and see a day in our lives each month. I would love to be able to do a video like the one Clare did.
Husband had to work today so it was a girls day for us. We were planning on seeing my family but Dad was really poorly and Mum was feeling fluey too so we kept our distance. Instead This meant a lazy lie in, followed by breakfast and then cuddles with the Guinea Pigs:
The sun was shining and it was surprisingly mild so the girls happily agreed to a little walk out. We didn’t venture far, just down a little track not far from our house but it was perfect. We were out for about and hour and a half. They girls had fun running freely, jumping in icy, muddy puddles and just enjoyed being outdoors:
On the way back home, we nipped into our local shop and discovered they sold penny sweets….well not she quite a penny, more like 2,3 or 5p but you get the picture. The girls had never done this before so after picking out 50p each of sweets they were delighted and I was the best Mummy ever….always a nice feeling:
After a little lunch of cheese toasties they played happily whilst I whizzed round tidying up. It was kind of pointless as they messed it up as quickly as I did it but it made me feel better.
Then it was time for a movie. I made them a bit of popcorn too. It was one of those sorts of days:
So far so good but once the movie stopped the bickering started. I must admit it got to me after we had all enjoyed such a lovely day and I couldn’t help but get cross!
We had a roast dinner yesterday when Daddy was home so it was an easy supper of pesto pasta and fresh melon tonight. Daisy wasn’t impressed, her reaction would have suggested I was attempting to poison her but eventually after finally trying it she ate it. We gave the guinea pigs some of the melon too which they really enjoyed. More cuddles with them before bath time and then Daddy came home yippee! They were of course delighted to see him:
Once they were all ready for bed Daisy did some fantastic reading and then we all curled up and watched Barbie Dolphin Magic. I love the way Poppy is pretending to read but is really watching the film here! It finished at 7.15pm a bit later than the usual 7pm bedtime so we skipped stories and Daddy tucked them all in:
All in all not a bad day. Hope you had a good weekend.
Loving life with little ones
January 9, 2018 at 2:27 pm (7 years ago)I used to buy penny sweets on the way home from school!! looks like you packed a lot in that day x