Some of you may have remembered last year when I accidentally booked my last minute holiday a year in advance!! It was awful. Thankfully we still managed to get away, the family forgave me and of course we still had a wonderful holiday booked for this year.
At last one year later we are about to head off on that very holiday. We have waited a whole year for it and are all very excited now. The cases are packed, the Tunkis are full of things to keep them busy and we are ready.
We are heading off to Portugal for two whole weeks in the sun and don’t get back until the day before school starts. Bliss! We are dragging out this summer for as long as possible.
We can’t wait to share photos and video with you. Fingers crossed its as good as we hope it will be.
Until then enjoy the rest of your Summer, we certainly plan to!
Karen x
August 22, 2016 at 9:52 pm (9 years ago)Have an amazing holiday! x
Loving life with little ones
August 22, 2016 at 9:56 pm (9 years ago)I still remember reading last years post, you have been waiting so long for this holiday.Have an amazing holiday guys x