Yesterday I was dying! I had the very high temperature part of this virus, complete with all other flu symptoms….I literally could not get out of bed! I tried but felt sick and dizzy and slumped straight back down.
I lay there thinking “Mums can't get sick”.
With three under 5 this one definitely couldn't but truth be told I wasn't fit to be a Mum…I Wasn't fit for anything!
With three little people who depend on me I had to get up, had to make breakfast, sort out a packed lunch, get us all dressed and on way to School. Then there was the usual toddler group and TumbleTots to get to too…. but no I just couldn't get up.
I called Husband who hadn't long set off for work. He knew I had had a rough night and high temperature but wouldn't dream I couldn't get up…it had never happened before. I burst into tears and he came straight home.
He quickly sorted the girls out with no fuss, then bought me some medicine and a drink. He could see it was bad! All day he looked after us all, even taking Rosie to Tumble Tots. Ok so they had messy hair, apart from that he did a fab job.
Thanks Husband. Love you millions and feel very lucky to have you.
Karen x
March 4, 2013 at 11:41 pm (12 years ago)The lurgy really is spreading around Mummy bloggers at the moment, wondering if its a twitter virus ;)) hope you’re all much better xxx
would like to be ayummy mummy
March 5, 2013 at 8:29 pm (12 years ago)Haha all feeling much better thanks xx