I am really pleased to share that Rosie is no longer a thumb sucker and she did it all herself.

She has not sucked her thumb since the Easter holidays and I couldn’t be more pleased.


She will tell you that she does not know how she stopped, she just did but I think it has something to do with the fact that one day over Easter she sucked her thumb so much she gave herself a little blister inside her lip. It really hurt her and she was worried it would happen again. I am not sure if it was too sore to suck her thumb for a few days or if she just frightened herself but since that day she has not sucked it again.

So despite the book, the disgusting nail polish, the promise of rewards and  treats, it was a tiny blister in her mouth and her decision to just stop.

She was thrilled to be able to her Nanny last week and is very proud of herself as are all of us.

It’s been about 11 weeks now and I can honestly say she not doing it any more. Not when she’s tired, not in school, not even when asleep when I tuck her in before I go to bed. Lets hope it continues but 11 weeks is a pretty good start.

Well done Rosie Mummy is super proud of you.

Karen x