I looked in the mirror today and decided enough was enough,. Fed up with having my boobs being lower than they should be, I decided it was time to get measured and get myself a new bra…one with underwire not a nursing one!!
So while I was in Marks and Spencers I bit the bullet and went and did it. I discovered that I was wearing completley the wrong size. I have gone down both a cup size and a size in the back…almost two!! Looks like this diet is working or maybe its because Rosie is drinking less. Anyway,what ever the reason I now have a lovely new bra which fits perfectly, it is very comfortable and puts them back where they should be. This has resulted my confidence having a boost as well as my breasts. I should also mention that the girl helping me was very friendly, made me feel at ease and was extrememley helpful.
So if you haven’t done it for a while ladies, pop out and get yourselves measured and treat yourselves to some new underwear. It feels good!! I am sure I will be buying more very soon!
Karen x
April 17, 2011 at 4:51 am (14 years ago)I need to do this so bad! Thank you for pushing me! 🙂
April 17, 2011 at 6:51 pm (14 years ago)I got 2 new underwired bras for going back to work and they are very flattering xxx