That's right I am no longer breastfeeding Daisy!

Did I have to stop? No not really. It was all going very well.



Do I feel guilty?

Honestly….No I don't!

You see I have reached the 11 month mark.

I have treated all three of my girls exactly the same. It's exactly how I wanted it to be.

I fed each of them exclusively breast milk for the first 11 months of their little lives before switching to cows milk.

That's something I'm very, very proud of.

I have given them a great start in life.

I have enjoyed the closeness breastfeeding provides.

I have experienced that overwhelming feeling of love for each of my girls and have had no difficulty bonding with either of them. I will never know if its because I fed them myself but think it must of helped.

So what's next?

I will always be a Mummy but I am no longer a milk machine.

My baby girl still gets a cuddle and her milk each night, only now it comes in a bottle. She doesn't seem to mind at all.

Now Daddy gets to feed her too.

I am not sad.

I have complete acceptance.

That part of my life is over.

Now its time for me to get my body back.

I wonder if it will ever be the same?

Probably not but we'll see.

Karen x