As soon as Daisy arrived I felt complete. I had three gorgeous little girls and knew I didn’t want anymore. However…
Recently I have been having a big clear out and selling a lot of the big baby things on eBay. The day the nursing chair went was particularly emotional. Even Husband was a little chocked up as he carried it down the stairs. Shush don’t tell him I told you so though.
The hours I have spent in that chair, feeding, cuddling and rocking my babies. The nights Husband and I sat up when they were teething, or when they needed comforting because of colic, croup or reflux. It was more than just an old chair…it was full of beautiful and wonderful memories.
Next went the bugaboo. My shiny pink bugaboo I was so proud to push around. It went to someone else who was impressed with how clean and lovely looking it still was though. I was grateful it went to someone else who would love it like I did.
Although I don’t want any more children (three is more than enough), just knowing I won’t be pregnant again (I loved being pregnant) or will never again experience those gorgeous newborn snuggles with my own teeny tiny one is just a little bit heart breaking and feels a little bit final.
I know I don’t want anymore children so why do I feel like this?
Karen x
Loving life with little ones
August 19, 2015 at 9:23 pm (10 years ago)I have to admit that although Little 3 is only 5 months old and we are still in the midst of teething and sleepless nights I too feel a bit like this, I will not be having anymore babies and that makes me feel a little sad!!
Would Like to Be
August 25, 2015 at 2:30 pm (10 years ago)They just grow up so quickly, that lovely teeny stage whizzes by too quickly xx