It's a brand new year and time to get making those resolutions. Whatever you think about them, its hard not to feel positive at the start of the year.
Here are mine:
1. Since our family has expanded from four to five life as been a bit crazy hectic chaotic. Therefore my main resolution is about regaining some of that control and getting myself, my family and our home organised.
Today I got off to great start by having a bit of a clear out, organising the toys into boxes and organising a cleaner to come in once a week. The wall planner is up on the wall and I have started to write on it. It feels good!
2. Every year I say I want to lose weight and get fitter. To be fair I do lose the weight but then I get pregnant again. Now our family is complete, this time I need it to stay off for good. To do it I will be listening to my Thinking Slimmer slimpods and have downloaded a fitpod too. I listened to them last night and plan to every night. Watch this space.
3. Get back into blogging. My blog is a part of me and I've been neglecting it since Daisy was born. My posts have ben mainly photos and reviews and have lacked substance. this will change. I also want to get back into the blogging community, reading and commenting on my favourite blogs, tweeting etc. I've missed you all.
To be fair, I think these are pretty realistic and I am pretty sure if I stick to them I will be happier and much less stressed out. That's got to be good for my whole family. Fingers crossed anyway.
Have you made any resolutions? Do feel free to share them.
Happy New Year. Hope it's a good one for us all.
Karen x
January 3, 2013 at 8:53 pm (12 years ago)They sound like good achievable goals Karen- to be fair you have had a very busy year! Happy New Year! xx