It was a bright and sunny Good Friday here. The girls had been dying to do the National Trust Easter egg hunt at Osterley Park this year so that was what we did. We do go there a lot so had offered to take them somewhere new but this is the one they really, really wanted to do.They love Osterley Park and each time we go its different. They are happy wondering around the park, the house or the gardens but especially love the play trail and lake. They enjoy seeing the animals and call it our special place:

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We arrived at 11am and would not have wanted to have been any later. The queues were already pretty long, for both parking and to enter the gardens. To be honest we prefer to come when the events are not on as this was just too busy for us. We experienced melt downs which we have never had here before and I am sure it was just because it was so busy. That said though the event its self was brilliant. It was so much more than just an egg hunt and very well organised.

It cost £3 per child and they were each given a little map with all sorts of clues on it. As you went round trying to fill in missing letters there were also various arts and crafts activities to join in with. The girls made Easter cards for their Nanny and Gramps who were coming later that day and little teepees too. Lots of fun:

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As they went around they were able to do the usual play trail and once they reached the gardens were even allowed to help plant some broad beans. They also got to pack some little seeds in soil to take home to pant:

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For them the highlight was the end of the hunt, not just because they got a little chocolate prize but because they got to go through a secret door that is usually locked. We have often taken photos of the girls peering through but today they got to walk through and collect their treat:

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A great day out and if crowds don’t bother you too much we would definitely recommend. Personally I think if we did one again we would definitely aim to get there for the start though.

Happy Easter everyone.


Karen x