So this week has been National Book Week and today is World Book Day. Many children have gone into School dressed as their favourite characters from their favourite stories today.

Story time in our house is a very special time. Although we read books at several times during the day, after bath time is our dedicated story time. Each night we have the same routine where we have a bath, get into pj’s and then cuddle up on the sofa for about half an hour where we have story after story until bedtime:

Now I know there has been some controversy recently over some of the older stories going out of fashion but we have a real mixed taste of books in this house.

Some of our favourites include the Disney collection. We especially enjoy Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty,  Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid and of course The Lion King:

We really enjoy the Peter Rabbit series too. These were a present a few years ago and are well read and loved:

Rosie’s favourite at the moment is The Very Hungry Caterpillar:

and of course we all enjoy the Gruffalo:

But the girls favourite collections at the moment are these that they received for Christmas from their Auntie Sarah:

We read them every night and often have 3 ballerina stories and at least one Princess one. The girls both enjoy them and sit there quite happily listening.

Today Poppy has gone into School dressed as a Ballerina from her Ballerina Stories:

Not only is she is a ballerina…she is the best ballerina apparently.

It was lovely seeing all of the costumes this morning and recognising them all from all our favourite books.

Have your littles one dressed up today and if so as what?

Karen x