At 30 weeks I am seriously nesting and starting to get everything ready for my new arrival. She has numerous clothes and blankets etc ready but what she doesn’t have yet is any nappies.

For both my other girls I used Pampers New Baby from birth and stuck with Pampers all the way through till no longer needed. I never had any problems with them and really liked them. However, this time I am seriously considering using real nappies.

A while back I read a review from one of my favourite bloggers Jenny over at Mummy Mishaps about her experience of real nappies and was very interested. She convinced me to change this time. However, my problem is my Husband! Yes you read that right, its my Husband that needs convincing.

With both girls I was able to breast feed and that was my job…he liked to do most all of the nappies, so that was his job. Both of us were happy with this arrangement and plan to do it again providing I can feed again.

However, Husband is comfortable with disposables, he knows what he is doing and to be honest “he doesn’t like change”. I have shown him the evidence that the real ones save the environment, save us money and still he is not convinced.

So what to do?

I did consider just getting some but there is so much choice. I quickly googled real nappies and was bombarded with information and brands. I am not really sure where to start.

Have any of you had experiences with real nappies or do you all still use disposable? I would love to know.

Karen x