At 30 weeks I am seriously nesting and starting to get everything ready for my new arrival. She has numerous clothes and blankets etc ready but what she doesn’t have yet is any nappies.
For both my other girls I used Pampers New Baby from birth and stuck with Pampers all the way through till no longer needed. I never had any problems with them and really liked them. However, this time I am seriously considering using real nappies.
A while back I read a review from one of my favourite bloggers Jenny over at Mummy Mishaps about her experience of real nappies and was very interested. She convinced me to change this time. However, my problem is my Husband! Yes you read that right, its my Husband that needs convincing.
With both girls I was able to breast feed and that was my job…he liked to do most all of the nappies, so that was his job. Both of us were happy with this arrangement and plan to do it again providing I can feed again.
However, Husband is comfortable with disposables, he knows what he is doing and to be honest “he doesn’t like change”. I have shown him the evidence that the real ones save the environment, save us money and still he is not convinced.
So what to do?
I did consider just getting some but there is so much choice. I quickly googled real nappies and was bombarded with information and brands. I am not really sure where to start.
Have any of you had experiences with real nappies or do you all still use disposable? I would love to know.
Karen x
anthea barton
May 15, 2012 at 8:14 am (13 years ago)We looked at both options and decided to go for disposable ones but we used as eco friendly ‘Nature baby care nappies’ No cholrine or plastic. Infact I used the wet wipe (can compost them) and the shampoos etc. I also potty trained early with all 3. My incentive was twins and another child only 14 months older! There were a lot of nappies.
would like to be ayummy mummy
May 15, 2012 at 8:36 am (13 years ago)Thanks for that. There are so many options nowadays you don’t know where to start!
May 15, 2012 at 1:31 pm (13 years ago)I decided to go with real nappies (have yet to try them out though as I’m 32 weeks pregnant with my first). I must admit if my husband wasn’t 100% on board with the idea though I probably wouldn’t have gone with real nappies as it’s a big up-front committment and you both have to be comfortable with it.
They are so cute though! I think if you bought one and showed him he would be convinced. We went with BumGenius Freetime for most of our stash. They are pricey but so so easy!
would like to be ayummy mummy
May 15, 2012 at 2:59 pm (13 years ago)Aaaahh thanks for that, I too think they look really cute and easy to use. Im sure he would like them if we tried them
May 15, 2012 at 7:19 pm (13 years ago)The all in one type like I used are just as easy to put on as disposables and ok so you have to remove a disposable inner sheet and flush it down the loo but that’s it! I expect you will be washing them anyway still!
I still use disposable ones with because I am behind with the washing or when. Am out and about but I have cut down dramatically on my wastage.
It’s hard if he isn’t fully on board, but my OH does it sometimes and he has never had a problem!
Good luck and thank you for my mention xx
would like to be ayummy mummy
May 15, 2012 at 8:45 pm (13 years ago)Thanks for that, its interesting to see how you are getting on after the challenge. I am really up for trying them but Husband is a little reluctant. Glad to hear your Husband hasn’t has a problem though x
May 15, 2012 at 10:39 pm (13 years ago)I started off using washable nappies for a number of reasons including them being cheaper in the long run, helping to prevent nappy rash and having less impact on the environment. If the baby has a wee its no problem, you just remove the wet nappy from the outer wrap, let it soak for 24 hours then wash it. If the baby does a poo however, you have to remove the nappy liner which is ‘supposed’ to catch all the poo and flush that away, then I found it best to scrub any stains off the nappy in the toilet bowl with the water flushing over it, then soak for 24 hours and wash. It is also likely that some stains will end up on the nappy outer which will also need to soak and be washed. This creates a WHOLE load of washing and it takes ages to get a load done because you have to let them soak, they’re impossible to use whilst out and about because you have to carry such bulky nappies, liners and outers with you and even though they will probably save you money in the long run, the initial outlay is so expensive that you have to weigh up whether or not its worth it for you. I used washables for the first 2 months and have since moved onto Pampers Baby Dry.
I used the Smart Nappies from Mothercare and I really did like them, they were just such a faff. I will try them again with the next baby but perhaps try a different brand!
would like to be ayummy mummy
May 16, 2012 at 7:35 pm (13 years ago)Thank you very much for your comment, its really good to see how other Mums honestly get on and with which brand
May 21, 2012 at 1:49 pm (13 years ago)Real nappies can be lots of fun if you like pretty things. There are so many nice designs to choose from and you can even design your own.
I use all-in-one nappies which I find really easy as you put them on just the same as a disposable. Personally I never bother with soaking them I just put the dirty ones in a bucket outside my back door and then chuck them in the wash when it gets full. I go through stages when I use the nappies a lot, at the moment it’s about 50/50 with disposables. I also use paper liners inside them sometimes which can catch any poo – you then just flush the liner down the toilet.
Most areas offer a real nappy scheme which allows you to get vouchers to buy a couple of nappies for free. You could contact your local council to see if they’ve got a scheme and then your hubby can try them out and see how he gets on!
Becky Guppy-Evans
June 7, 2015 at 9:50 pm (10 years ago)Hi, only just saw your dilemma about nappies. Have you made your mind up yet? I use the old fashioned nappies for my little guy. Called Terry’s flats. They are considered to be the most hassle of all the nappies but they’re honestly not. No landfill, really satisfying to use, cheap as chips, never had nappy rash or leaks… I could go on. Plenty of other fantastic real nappy options though if Terrys don’t appeal. The worst piece of advice I had was to start off using disposables at night. There was absolutely no need. Even had a couple leaks. It just confused things. My other half is the last person you’d ever think would get into using Terrys but he soon became a real advocate, actually proud of them. Telling everyone about how great they are. If you’re interested in the environment and want to save cash give it a go. Look up your local nappy library for trial kits or advice. If you’re used to disposables then just try and stick with it. After a few weeks it’s all second nature. Good luck! Becky
Would Like to Be
June 8, 2015 at 11:01 am (10 years ago)we did use loth nappies thank you and got on very well with them. She’s all toilet trained and out of them now but they were much better and wished i had used them on all 3. Thanks for commenting x