Life in this house has been crazy since having three and we are still adjusting. We are starting to get into a bit more of a routine now though and this week Daisy even slept for 12 hours one night….yeeehhh!!!

Poppy has been attention seeking and saying she has tummy ache before School though. The School and I have chatted to her and she just misses me and thinks she's missing out. I'm shattered trying to split myself and divide the attention up between everyone but doing my best.


Monday – Daisy was very sick and uncomfortable all day and night after I had pineapple yesterday – fruit just doesn't agree with her. I felt terrible so cuddled her and Rosie most of the day.

Tuesday – we had our friends to play before heading off to our usual music group. It was a lovely morning and then this afternoon we just chilled.

Wednesday – Rosie and I put the tree up today but left the fairy and chocolates for Poppy to put on…she was so excited. It's the girliest tree complete with tin fairies and pink, teal and purple ball balls. I then changed the gap under the stairs into a little play area:

Thursday – Daisy had some injections this morning and then we went to Tumble Tots. Rosie had great fun. Afterwards our friends Vicki and Elliott came back for lunch (cold cheese on toast- whoops).Eventually we all ended up in Costa for a lovely hot chocolate before the School run…perfect!

Friday – Poppy went to School dressed as WonderWoman for superheroe day. She had a great day – I did cleaning!

Saturday – ballet day followed by lunch at Nanny & Gramps. Husband and I got to leave the girls for a few hours and do a bit of Christmas shopping..bliss!

Sunday – extra ballet/ dress rehearsal for next weeks show. Poppy had to wear makeup and everything! I wasnt happy about it, she looked so grown up! I had a terrible migraine this afternoon and ended up in bed for a few hours 🙁 Husband had to go away tonight for a few days.




So not a bad week at all.

Karen x