Another week of fun in this house, this year really is flying by.
Monday – A lovely usual Monday. Rosie and I spent the morning playing, then I cleaned whilst she napped and I even got to do some blogging too which was very nice.
Tuesday – We headed off for our 20 weeks scan this afternoon and saw our baby on screen. We were really relived to see everything was developing as it should and excited to discover we are having another little girl. Poppy was really happy and shouted out “see, I told you it didn’t have a willy”. Cheeky monkey.
Wednesday – Rosie and I enjoyed a lazy day at home. We were going to a toddler group but Daddy took the car. When I picked Poppy up from School this afternoon she had a croaky throat and went downhill quickly. I really struggled with the School run today and ache all over.
Thursday – After a bad night coughing last night I decided to keep Poppy off School, However, she was driving me mad running around as if nothing was wrong this morning. The car then broke down with husband in it so he was not happy and had to sort that out, whilst I went mad throwing out bags of stuff including a bin bag of toys. I think the nesting has seriously kicked in. This afternoon, Poppy went downhill and curled up in my lap and went to sleep. We enjoyed a lovely cuddle until an awful coughing fit woke her up poor thing. All in all, not a great day!
Friday – We had to walk to our music group this morning as our car is in the garage and they have lent us a little run around which the girls car seats don’t fit in…not handy at all.
Luckily it was a lovely morning. When we got there however, only one person turned up. We decided it wasn’t worth running so we all went for a coffee instead which was still lovely. Poppy was quite happy as it was her friend from School and we all walked home together. I struggled with pushing the Bugaboo up the hill and am not sure how on earth I am going to manage the School run as I get bigger.
Saturday – We enjoyed a leisurely morning and breakfast in bed as we didn’t have to rush off to Poppy’s ballet lesson. Without a car, there was no way we could get there. Once we were all up and dressed we walked over to Dartmouth,had a look around and let the girls play in the park. The weather was quite nice so we treated the girls to an ice cream from our favourite shop. We then picked up the stuff to make panini’s at home which were delicious. Unfortunately I developed a migraine this afternoon which pretty much lasted 24 hours. Not nice! Luckily Husband was fab and just took over, letting me go back to bed.
Sunday – Luckily I felt much better today but without a car we couldn’t go far, Husband took Poppy out on her bike for a while and then this afternoon I made some play dough with her and we made a 3d rocket picture too. We also made a yummy chocolate coconut cake….delicious. It is obvious that she is feeling much better and is ready to get back to School.
Here’s our week in pictures:
So a bit of a mixed week for us, hoping the car gets fixed soon and then we are going to be on the lookout for a new one.
Karen x