Wow another week has gone already. This one was a little boring really as Rosie hasn’t been her usual self.

Monday – Rosie has been teething and has been very clingy and wingy. I found it hard carrying her up the hill today on the School run, as she refused to walk. She slept all afternoon though so I did get to have a little rest after  a huge cleaning spurt! I think the nesting has kicked in.

Tuesday – This morning Poppy was at Preschool so Rosie and I played. Then this afternoon we all went to the toddler group at the School. it was really nice to catch up with the other mums and see the girls play.

Wednesday – Think I over did it today with the nesting! Did loads more cleaning whilst Poppy was at Preschool and Rosie was napping. Tonight I had a bit of a melt down when I ached from head to toe and no-one was listening to me! Was tearful and emotional too :-(. Being pregnant is tough sometimes.

Thursday – Poppy had Preschool in the morning then this afternoon we made her Gramps some chocolates as he is going into hospital next week.

The weathers starting to warm up a little and its lovely so we also spent some time outside too. When Daddy came home we taste tested some of the chocolates and they were pretty yummy!

Oh my new maternity underwear arrived too so feel much more comfortable already:

Friday – We had our usual music group this morning which went pretty well. The girls had fun singing and dancing. Then we had to pick up a bit of shopping in Sainsburys when I spotted all these cute things I just had to have for our kitchen:

I love them and husband didn’t mind that they were pink. Might have to go back for more of the range! (cant stop shopping as well as cleaning…..girl?)

Saturday – I took Poppy to her usual ballet lesson and then we sneaked of for a quick coffee/ babyccino. We bumped into one of the other Mums and Daughters on the way to the cafe so all ended up having a drink and cake together which was really nice.

During the afternoon, I headed off to the Salon to have my hair cut, leaving Husband to play with the girls. It was lovely having a little bit of child free time.This evening Husband and I cuddled up and watched a movie with chocolate which was very nice!

Sunday – Husband had to go to work this afternoon so we all enjoyed a lazy morning together. Once he left, the girls and I had fun in the garden and generally carried on being a bit lazy. It was lovely!

Rosie seems to be getting better but is still sleeping a lot….maybe making up for being up in the night last week. Fingers crossed its a more exciting week next week and that the good weather stays with us.

Karen x