Its been a pretty good week in this house, calmer and quieter too. Poppy is at School each morning, Rosie naps 12-1pm and then we pick Poppy up at 1.30pm. Daisy has been much more settled too.

Monday – Jo came round for coffee and then we enjoyed a quiet morning whilst poppy was at School. This afternoon we went to baby clinic and got Daisy weighed. I treated the girls to a Costa while we were out which they loved.

Tuesday – Poppy had no School today so we headed out to a music group at the local library with Jo and her boys. The children all enjoyed it although Poppy was a bit upset at first that they sang different songs then she was used to. We then came home for lunch and put the slow cooker on before heading over to Jos house for a few hours. Later the health visitor came over for Daisy's 6 week check. I had forgotten about it but luckily she caught us on a good day. House tidy, girls all happy and settled, I looked half human and curry in slow cooker. She was quite impressed.

Wednesday – Mum babysat for Rosie this morning so I could take Daisy for our 6 week check up at the doctors. It went okay and they are pleased she is growing well. This afternoon my new neighbour Vicki came round for coffee and a kitten decided it liked our garden and house ( I'm not a huge fan of cats so wasn't pleased).

Thursday – Took Rosie to her first Tumble Tots session and she loved it. We were really impressed and she cant wait to go again. Enjoyed a quiet afternoon.


Friday – A day at home, we really didn't do a lot. Husband came home a little early but that was about it.

Saturday – Went into town. Treated Rosie to a few purple things including a dress and her first pair of trousers. Then had Pizza Hut for lunch which the girls loved! This afternoon we went over to Mum and Dads and Husband helped Dad build his shed.

Sunday – We had a difficult day and night with Daisy. Mum and Dad popped round this afternoon as they had picked us up a few things in Ikea. Managed to change the bedroom round and sort a few things out when she slept though.


Overall a really good week with just a unsettled Sunday. Let's hope it continues.

Karen x