Wow, the weeks really are flying by at the moment so I am so pleased I decided to join in with this fabulous linky. With my ever increasing baby brain its nice to be able to look back and remember what we got up too.
On Tuesday we skipped the usual toddler group and headed off to visit friends we haven’t seen in ages. We were supposed to be meeting in the park but as it was so wet we went to her house instead and another friend turned up too. It was lovely for me to catch up with them and have a girly chat but it was lovely for Poppy too as she got to see two of her friends she hasn’t seen since before Christmas.
Thursday afternoons have once again become Mummy/ Poppy time whilst Rosie naps. On this day we did baking and produced all of these delicious looking cupcakes and cookies:
Poppy is once again thriving with the attention so I am so glad we have reintroduced this special time.
Also the girls new shoes arrived and they loved them.
Before I knew it, it was Friday again. Today was an extra special day as I had officially been blogging for one year!
It was also time for another music group. I think it went pretty well and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. As Rosie has been toilet trained for 3 weeks, I dared to leave her nappy off and took her little toilet seat out instead. I was really impressed when she went for a big wee before the group started and as soon as it finished! She really has done well bless her. Despite being out for 3 hours in total…no accidents! I think I can safely say she really is toilet trained.
Saturday was a busy day. We had Poppy’s usual ballet lesson first but then had to rush off to buy a present as Poppy had been invited to a party today on Thursday and we hadn’t had a chance to go beforehand. Then it was the party in the afternoon which was held at a soft play area. She enjoyed it but by the end of the day became unwell and very whingy. I was left feeling tired as well as a little hard done by and unappreciated.
Sunday was a very lazy day indeed. Poor Poppy was not well at all and wanted to be cuddled up most of the day on the sofa and have lots of cuddles. Obviously I had to join her, give her the required hugs and keep her warm and cosy…being pregnant it was quite nice to have a rest and we even managed to watch Ella Enchanted! Lovely. Oh and Rosie is 19 months old today…so grown up!
Heres to another happy week and hope my little girl feels much better.
Karen x