Wow, the week has flown by and I cannot believe my baby girl is almost 3 weeks already!
Monday – A lovely day. My best friend Sarah came to stay and it was soo good to see her. The girls had great fun showing off their garden toys and getting her to join in. She played football, jumped on the trampoline and had lots of baby cuddles too. Once the girls were all in bed and settled we enjoyed Dominoes pizza and ice cream whilst catching up on gossip…perfect!
Tuesday – Sarah didn’t have to rush off which was good. The girls didnt want her to leave so I cheered them up by taking them for a treat in Costa. We also stopped off in Tesco to buy some extra crafty things to do and decided to make hand and foot prints in the garden this afternoon. Once we got back, I set them up with paper and paints when the health visitor arrived. She needed to do Daisy’s hearing test but the world suddenly became a very noisy place and she couldnt do it. The girls at this point were getting fed up and we ended up having the house, garden and girls covered in paint…whoops! I couldnt help but laugh:
Wednesday – We went to see a friend and her little boys for coffee today. We walked but unfortunately it decided to tip it down after we had set off and we all turned up drenched! Coffee and muffins turned into lunch due to the bad weather and she ended up kindly giving us all a lift home as it was pouring it down. Took lots of photos of Daisy today.
Thursday – The Midwife popped round today and weve been now been discharged as Daisy is almost back up to her birth weight. Mum popped round this afternoon and kindly did all my ironing for me…how nice! Its so lovely living closer.
Friday – We stayed in today as husbands Sister and Brother-in-law were supposed to visit but they never came. The weather wasn’t that great anyway but that meant the girls were going loopy staying inside. This evening Rosie lightened the mood when she escaped into the garden and got drenched by playing in puddles.
I then gave the girls an early bath and they enjoyed watching some TV in their pjs…special treat!
This evening I got to go out which was lovely. It was only for a few hours at a neighbours a few doors down but she had a whole group of girls around and it was so nice. I enjoyed just being Karen and having no children attached to me but was shattered and just climbed into bed and passed out when I got in.
Saturday – I was absolutely exhausted this morning and when I got up to take Rosie for a wee at 7am I walked in to the wall giving myself a swollen nose! Husband let me lie in after that and then we enjoyed a quiet morning just taking the girls and the pram out for a little walk. This afternoon, we went over to my Mum and Dads. Mum is pretty poorly, she has pleurisy, so we didn’t plan on staying long.
I must have looked as rough as I felt though as Mum sent me off to bed where I slept for two hours. ..bliss. We enjoyed a barbecue before coming home, then quickly chucked the girls in the bath and then bed as soon as we got in so I could watch X Factor!
Sunday – Husband and my Dad took Poppy and Rosie to the beach at Weston Super Mare today whilst my Mum stayed with Daisy and I. They all enjoyed a lovely day out whilst poor little Daisy was really unsettled. She was suffering terribly with trapped wind. It was a long day and she slept less than an hour all day, finally settling at gone 10pm.
A busy and happy week but we were all exhausted by the end of it. I am absolutely loving having three little girls and am impressed I have been getting us out and about but it is hard work, especially as husband only had a few days off with us all. I imagine it will get easier though.
Karen x
August 20, 2012 at 11:26 pm (13 years ago)another lovely week that was finding out how you are adjusting ot being a mummy to 3.
tuesday looks like a lot of fun with all that hand and feet painting outside.
weds photos of Daisy are just lovely – they have the awwww factor!!!
Are you living new WSM then Karen? if you do maybe we could come and see you one day as thats not too far from me
keep up the great mummy work xxx