Well this week has been a bit of a write off really as I have been really poorly and struggled to get by. It started with losing my voice for a day on Sunday and although it came back on Monday, it was croaky and sore coupled with a terrible cough and no energy. Needless to say it hasn’t been the most exciting week of the year so far.
Monday – Thinking it was the first day of term we got almost there before bumping into Poppy’s Teacher who informed us it was a Teacher Training day aahhh we could have enjoyed a lie in. We ended up having a quiet day at home instead with lots of playing:
Tuesday – This afternoon the girls had to go and have an injection each as apparently they were missing one. There were a few tears but overall it went ok. Whilst there Husband spotted a head louse in Poppy’s hair…yuck! We treated it straight away and luckily they had not had a chance to lay any eggs.
Wednesday – Poppy went to School all day and Rosie was a very good girl at home with her poorly Mummy. She had great fun amusing herself by dressing up, putting on a show for me:
Thursday – Poppy was at School this morning and in the afternoon was absolutely shattered. We just took it easy. I thought both girls were going down with my illness as neither were quite right but luckily they didn’t.
Friday – Husband finished work early which was lovely. He is now on leave for two weeks…yipppeee!
Saturday – It was a busy morning with Poppy’s ballet lesson and then her and I nipped into town for a bit. Having broken the zip on my boots I managed to order a new pair and we brought some yummy things for lunch. Later Daddy and Poppy made some white chocolate cookies.
Sunday – Today was the first day I felt human again!
We took the girls swimming and they really enjoyed themselves. This week they were jumping in from the side and had great fun splashing around. We were all worn out by the afternoon so enjoyed a lazy Sunday one.
Hope you all enjoyed a better week than us:
Karen x