Its been a busy and hectic week this week.
Monday – Easter holidays so no School. Mum and Dad were still here so we had a quiet morning and then headed over to the park in the afternoon. Poppy had a hair cut too and was very well behaved:
Tuesday – Mum and Dad went home today so I took the girls to Totness for a bit of shopping and to distract them. We stopped off for lunch and the girls were very well behaved, they received lots of comments from other shoppers aahhh!
Wednesday – We headed over to Dartmouth and went to a toddler group at Husbands work in the morning. It was lovely to see everyone and catch up on the gossip, then we enjoyed a quiet afternoon.
Thursday – Was a horrible day..the girls were both so wingy and demanding and I was ready for them to go to bed. We did have a few nice minutes though, like when we did some painting and made Rice Krispie Easter cakes:
Friday – Daddy finished work early today so we headed off to the new park in Paignton. It looked lovely but packed full of older children (teenagers) and Husband and I didn’t like the look of it. Instead we headed off to a quieter beach on the way home where we enjoyed a lovely walk in the fresh air and an ice cream too. Mummy also spotted these lollipops with the girls names on but didn’t buy them:
Saturday – We took the girls swimming today which was great fun. Rosie found her confidence today and didn’t want to get out. We then stopped off to buy a new microwave as ours had blown up and some new shoes for Poppy. Her other ones aren’t that old but have stretched out of shape. She was more than happy with these new ones though:
Sunday – Easter day! We enjoyed a lovely Easter egg hunt in the morning:
Then we chatted to various family members on the phone and skype and enjoyed a yummy roast dinner cooked by Husband. Rosie was a bit wingy again today and was up last night, we think she has another tooth coming…poor little thing has suffered really badly with everyone!
Later on I used Husbands Mac to do a vlog toy review I have been working on. I remembered how much I loved his Mac and didn’t want to give it back!!
All in all a lovely week.
Karen x