Another week has gone and Spring is officially here. The weather has improved and we have all been enjoying it.

Monday – was a bit of a quiet one. Usual day at home with Rosie but also started to sort through some of the baby stuff…very exciting!
Tuesday – Toddler group at the School. It is working really well with Poppy staying for lunch, everyone is happier and a little less tired.
Wednesday – Was supposed to be going to a toddler group but Husband had the car so couldn’t go ;-(. the weather was lovely though so Rosie got to play outside.
Thursday – a trip to Sainsburys this morning reminded me why I usually have it delivered. I seemed to run round all day and it was a busy hectic one.
Friday – Usual music group this morning and then this afternoon my friend from uni came to stay :-).  I haven’t seen her in years and she had not yet met the girls so it was lovely. Husband came home from work early so whilst he looked after the girls I took her her out for a quick walk around to show her around the village.  The girls took to her straight away, especially as she brought them some gorgeous presents.
Saturday – The weather was lovely so after Poppy’s ballet lesson we headed off to the beach for a picnic! It was great to be out in the fresh air and the girls really enjoyed splashing around. They loved having Nics to stay, especially Poppy who got so wet chasing her around, she stripped off to her knickers! Luckily Nics had a spare top so we made it into a dress for her. I got a bit burnt on one arm but it had faded by the next day. I also enjoyed the 99 ice cream we had in the park!
Sunday – Nicky had to go home today and we were all sorry to see her go. To cheer ourselves up we headed off to the pool which was great fun. It was then a quick lunch stop before we had to get home because Husband had to go to work. We won’t see him until Tuesday now 🙁
Here’s our week in pictures:
Hope you all enjoyed a lovely week too.
Karen x