Each Week I am going to be joining in with this brand new linky from Mummy Daddy And Me Makes Three and letting you know what I have been up to.

Monday – Poppy was at School all day today and Husband went back to work. Rosie and I enjoyed a lovely morning together and whilst she was napping I did lots of cleaning. Boring but needed to be done.

Tuesday – Poppy went to School in the morning and I put Rosie down for a morning nap which meant I had a bit of quiet time before taking both girls to School in the afternoon for a toddler group. The girls love it and we go every week. It was really nice for me to catch up with the other Mums too as it was the first once since Christmas.  The girls enjoyed helping with a hungry caterpillar project.

Wednesday – Poppy went to School in the morning but Husband picked her up early as it was our scan this afternoon.  It was lovely to see the first glimpse of baby number 3. Thankfully, all looks good so I can relax a bit now.

Thursday – We had a bit of a quiet one today. Poppy went to School in the morning but we made Raspberry jelly in the afternoon whilst her Sister was napping.

Friday – It was the first week for me running the music group we attend.  It went pretty well and we all had great fun singing, dancing and banging musical instruments together. This evening I announced my pregnancy on my blog!

Saturday – Husband needed to get his eyes tested so we all went into town with him. We had a little look around and ended up having Pizza Hut for tea. The girls shared a small pizza with a face made out out ham and pineapple. I was amazed Poppy picked this as she doesn’t usually like pizza opting for pasta instead but she told me she now likes “little pizzas that look like faces”. It was topped off by an ice-cream factory…yummy!

Sunday – We went for a lovely walk to a lighthouse. it was a bit cold so we all wrapped up warm. Poppy had great fun jumping in puddles whilst Rosie loved looking at all the boats. We ended up with the girls having a picnic lunch in the car whilst Daddy and I shared some chips! It was a lovely family morning out and the fresh air did us all the world of good. We managed to take some nice photos too:

I am looking forward to joining in with this linky each week, it will be a great way of recording our family life.

Karen x