It’s been a few weeks now since my last update on my running but I’m pleased to be able to tell you it is all going really well. In fact it’s going really, really well.

Back in February when I first pulled my trainers back on, I wondered what on earth I was letting myself in for. I set myself a goal of going from couch to 10ks in 7 weeks and running 10ks for Race for Life in June. Back then it seemed more than ambitious, it seemed impossible. However, I’m really pleased to tell you that I can do it. In fact I have run 10ks four times now and it feels amazing!!

Admittedly I am slow, so my next aim is to speed it up a bit. It currently takes me around an hour and 15 or even 20 minutes but my race isn’t until 20th June so I’ve got plenty of time to get a bit quicker. I would love to be able to do it in just over an hour but we will see.

I am trying to get out 3x a week which I do in term time but I must admit it went a bit pear shaped over the Easter holidays. As soon as I’ve done the school run I run twice in the week with Daisy in the running buggy. We’ve actually managed 7.5ks this way. It’s a great way to start the day and Daisy enjoys being out and about.

In fact husband is so pleased for me he brought me a little love gift this week. A new running GPS watch and I love it. I think it’s because I kept pinching his but how nice of him!

Now if I can do this anyone can. I am just a Mum to three who wants to shape up and be fitter this summer. I am no athlete. Why don’t you join in too?

There are races up and down the country and you can find your nearest one here. Also if you use this code RFLYum you will get £2 off your entry fee. Come on you can do it. Let’s raise money and awareness of cancer research in the process.

Karen x