I am now 26 Weeks pregnant and starting to feel it.
This week my baby measures approximately 36cm top to toe and weighs around 760g (1.5 – 2.2 Ibs). She is also now apparently the size of a lettuce!
Around now her eyes may begin to open. Her eyes and her eyelashes have developed. Her immune system continues to develop and she is practising breathing.
As for me, well this is not my best week. In fact I am starting to suffer from some of the indignities associated with pregnancy.
My skin continues to itch and burn, I have discussed it with my midwife who tells me it is normal and associated with stretching of the skin. I’m not so sure as it is top to toe! She has however, arranged for me to have some blood tests in a few weeks time to rule out liver associated problems.
The baby is now resting on my bladder which is not good particularly when I have a nasty cold and cough! I constantly feel the need to pee and have to cross my legs or run to the bathroom when coughing or sneezing.
My bump is growing now and is quite uncomfortable at night time, meaning I am not sleeping as well as usual.
I am feeling a bit sorry for myself this week (can you tell?) – unwell, uncomfortable and emotional.
Hoping next week is a better one.
Karen X