25 weeks already, I say it every week but this pregnancy really is going very quickly.
This week our baby is the size of an aubergine:
Head to heel she measures around 13 1/2 inches and weighs approximately a pound and a half. She is starting to put on a bit of fat now and might even have some hair. Both girls had a good amount of dark hair when born so i’m wondering if this one will too.
I am still feeling really good. I have actually asked Husband to take some photos of me over the next few weeks. I don’t really have that many of me pregnant with the girls and this is going to be the last time i’m pregnant so thought it would be nice to have a few. I have found a few websites and got some ideas for some nice poses so fingers crossed they turn out ok.
The only complaint I have is the continued itchiness I have been suffering from. Its gone to another extreme this week. I have a midwife appointment on Friday so will mention it to her then. I have no rash like I did with the girls but it starts off feeling as though I have creepy crawlies crawling all over me and then my skin starts to burn and actually feels hot to touch… Not nice at all. Luckily moisturiser does sooth it but it is a bit worrying. Its worse during the evening and especially on the tops of my feet.
Apart from that I am eating and drinking well and trying my best to look after myself. I am putting my feet up when the girls are in bed and do generally feel pretty good. This is surprising really as I have a lot going on at the moment and am trying to stay very calm and relaxed for our baby’s sake.
Due to Husbands job we are due to move in the Summer but I have no idea where or when we are moving and where I will be having our baby girl. I am hoping we will know more soon so I can start organising myself. She is due the end of July so time is moving on.
The girls are really excited about meeting their little Sister and I really think Rosie is starting to get it too. Obviously she will not understand the impact of a baby Sister on the family dynamics but she seems to understand we are having a new baby. At the weekend we went swimming and she saw several babies…she said “baby” and then pointed to my tummy. We do read a book every night and several times a day so I think that’s been helping.
All in all a good week!
Karen x