23 weeks already and this pregnancy is really flying by.

This week my baby is apparently the size of a pomegranate. I don’t know what you think but three weeks ago she was the size of a cantaloupe melon. I’m therefore not sure how much I trust the comparison. Anyway she is supposed to measure more than 11 inches long and weigh just over a pound, so she is definitely growing.

My baby can swallow now and blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare for her breathing. Husband and I can feel her moving and squirming about more and more frequently now and she really is a bit of a wriggler. She always wiggles when he puts his head on my tummy and when he talks to her too. Its really sweet and reminds me how he did this with both the girls.

I am actually  feeling great! My mood has improved massively since Rosie has been walking on the School run again. My back ache has gone too which is wonderful.

I do have a bit of itchy skin again though which gets worse during the evening so have to keep the moisturiser  close by. Its all over my body but nowhere near as bad as it was with the girls.

I took  a picture of my bump yesterday and here it is:

I have popped out a bit this week but I don’t think i’m looking too huge really. I do have a very funny bump though. In the morning its hardly there but by the evening I look like i’m ready to drop, then I wake up and its disappeared again….I don’t remember feeling like this with the girls.

Anyway,I cant believe I am almost 6 months pregnant. I cant wait to meet my baby girl and see what or who she looks like. I keep wondering if she will have dark hair like the girls both did and what sort of baby she will be. Its all so exciting. At the start I was a little worried it wouldn’t be as exciting 3rd time round but it definitely is.

I am still absolutely terrified about the birth bit though, so trying not to think about it too much.

I have brought a book and have started to prepare Rosie for her arrival. I think she is starting to understand and she asks for the book several times a day. She has stopped looking up her top when we talk about the baby now but sometimes pulls at mine. Poppy is just very excited and keeps asking is she can hold her, kiss her and help look after her.

All in all I am happy to be having a pretty healthy and easy pregnancy. Fingers crossed it stays like this.

Karen x