Yeeehhh I am 20 weeks pregnant and therefore halfway through this pregnancy.

Our baby is now the size of a cantaloupe melon so is growing daily. He or she now measures approx 26cm crown to heel and is steadily putting on weight as am I:

Now covered in that slick, white coat of fatty substance called vernix caseosa, he or she  is swallowing more too.

and me….I have been feeling great. I have more energy then I have for a while, I am eating pretty healthily and am generally feeling good. That horrible metallic taste has not reappeared, neither has the heartburn. The itchiness has even stopped so I have no complaints.

The only thing I am struggling with is carrying Rosie around. She has become increasingly clingy and wants to be picked up/ held all the time and that has caused me some back trouble. A bit of pampering helped this weekend though. Husband treated me to a lovely back, neck & shoulder massage as well as a pedicure and it really did the trick. I might have to do it more often.

I have been sleeping well, taking my vitamins and trying to drink lots of water. I have had no cravings but have been fancying sweet things more often than usual. I am starting to show a little now and definitely feel more pregnant. I am also feeling lots of movement.

I am starting to worry about the whole giving birth thing again. Rosie’s birth was pretty awful I really don’t want to do it again but guess I have no choice. I think its scarier once you have done it once or twice because you know how awful and painful it is. For now I think I should just try not to think about it as I still have a while to go.

We have our 20 week scan later today so will hopefully get to announce if we need to buy pink or blue. Poppy is very excited about it all and is hoping for a girl. I don’t mind either way but hope to find out. I just hope everything looks as though its growing as it should and looks healthy. I cant wait to get organised and start buying a few bits.

Karen x