The weeks are whizzing past and I am now 17 weeks pregnant.
My baby is now apparently the size of an onion:
That is about 11 cm long and weighs about 140g. He or she is growing quickly. Their skeleton is still quite ruibbery but will be hardening up soon and they are developing sweat glands.
I am starting to feel much better now. After three weeks of queasiness, indigestion and that horrible metallic taste in my mouth…I appear to be coming out the other side.
I have found that eating little and often as that helps. The baby really likes cinnamon and raisin bagels with raspberry jam…delicious. Very different to the raw potatoes I craved with Poppy or the Raw carrots and radishes I ate with Rosie.
I have also discovered two products I have reviewed: Water Baby and Lillipops ice pops have helped. Anyway feeling much more human again now so lets hope it continues.
I cannot wait to meet this little munchkin but in the meantime I cannot stop wondering whether it is a boy or a girl. We have a scan 6th March so hope to find out then. Until then I cannot seriously think about names or buy anything. I need to know if we need pink or blue.
I am starting to grow a teeny tiny bump now. You can tell if I am wearing my underwear or lift my top but not when I am wearing clothes. I guess there is plenty of time for that though.
So over all I am feeling much better this week and am happy to be pregnant again.
Karen x