Dear Rosie,
You are a cheeky little monkey and since growing your first four new tiny, teeth (all in one week) you have not stopped biting things, including Mummy. They are razor sharp and it is for this reason I have had to stop breastfeeding. I managed to do it for eleven months and for that I feel very proud of myself.
I did try to keep doing it. The books all said that if I screamed and shouted “no” you wouldn’t do it again…but you did! I was starting to get a bit nervous doing it. You would feed quite happily and then give me a cheeky little look followed by a huge bite. Anyway that is it now, all finished. It has worked out fine though because I did it for eleven months for your Sister too. This makes me feel as though I have treated you both equally.
Don’t worry though, you still get to have a cuddle and a bottle of cows milk after your bath which we both love and Daddy gets to give you your milk sometimes too.
Love you
Mummy xxx