Hello again ladies,

Having ditched the high protein/ low carbohydrate diet for slimpods which the lovely people at Thinking Slimmer have sponsored me to trial, I have noticed a bit of a change in both my body and thinking.

First the body – I feel as though I have actually put on a few pounds in the past two weeks but I think this is just the switch over from a highly restricted diet and I am approaching that time of the month.  I am not worried though because I am now eating much healthier and believe I am going to lose weight!  That leads on to my thinking.

My thinking around food – I have noticed a massive change since Day 8.  I am no longer craving chocolate, in fact last week the thought of it made me feel a bit sick!  Apart from yesterday after a very stressful day (that’s a whole other blog post about my furniture experience) my Husband brought a large bar of Cadburys Whole Nut.  I must admit without thinking I did eat half but I didn’t really taste it, enjoy it or want any more which is weird in itself.  I was just chatting away venting my feelings and eating and then thought “oh no, I have just eaten all of that”.

I have also noticed since using my Slimpods that I have a reduced appetite, am not wanting to snack, am craving fruit and am eating smaller portions. That has all got to be good hasn’t It?  I am sure this will lead to me being able to report a difference in my weight next week.

Having managed only two hours on the cross trainer last week, I am feeling very energetic and positive about exercise this week (another side effect of the slimpods I wonder?).  I am back in the mood for doing my DVDs and aim to do 1/2 -1 hour a day for 6 days this week.  I am also going to continue drinking lots of water, fruit tea and using my slimpods!

Look forward to see how you have all got on this week.

Karen x