Hello again,

Its been a week of ups and downs so where to start I am not sure!

Ok good news first…I was measured for a new bra on Friday (didn’t get one as between sizes and still shrinking after stopping breast feeding), anyway I have gone from a massive 40″ after having Rosie back to my normal 34″ round the back, much better.  My cup size has only dropped 1 size so far but the lady in the shop assured me I needed to wait a couple more weeks as I am still reducing and am in between sizes.  So for me this is fantastic news, I am almost back at my normal (pre-children) bra size.

I also turned up to see my Sister and parents after not seeing them for a few months and they all thought I look noticeably slimmer.  I was in a particularly flattering outfit of well fitted skinny jeans and a fitted top and felt really good.  However, on CyberMummy day I didn’t feel that slim. I am thinking maybe I wore the wrong dress as I felt much slimmer in the one I wore the following day but never mind. I also had watery eyes and a scabby nose (the after effects of having a bad cold) but none of it dampened my day!

I think the reason I am feeling a bit bigger this week is I have struggled a little bit from swapping from a low carbohydrate diet to just using the slimpods from Thinking Slimmer.  They told me to stop my fad diet and just listen to the slimpods each night.  The first few days this went okay and I wanted to eat healthy foods. However as CyberMummy approached I found it increasingly difficult to just lie back and relax, emptying my mind and listen to Trevor’s voice… my mind kept wondering back to thoughts of CyberMummy and then tuning back in when I heard the word chocolate..whoops! For those of you that met me, you may have noticed I get easily distracted and have the attention span of a gnat (this is since having children)! Anyway from Wednesday through to Sunday I have eaten everything including chocolate, pizza and those gorgeous cup cakes that were everywhere during CyberMummy breaks ….yummy.

However, it is now Day 8 and I am dying to get back on the straight and narrow. I think the slimpod effect has kicked in and I am feeling really positive!!  In fact today I am going to squeeze in an hour on the cross trainer and have so far eaten healthily, I even resisted a KitKat!! The idea of snack foods makes me feel sick! You will have to watch this space to see if i’m successful this week.  I was very sorry to have not met Wendy and Trevor who were apparently both at CyberMummy11.  It would have been great to meet the man behind the voice I fall asleep to every night and I would have appreciated a little feedback on my first week, but never mind!

So this week my aims are:

  • To eat healthily
  • To continue drinking more water
  • To listen to my slimpods every night
  • To not snack especially on chocolate
  • To exercise

I look forward to letting you know how I get on next week and reading how you have all got on this week.

Feel free to join in, just add your name to the linky and don’t forget to grab our badge if you too are struggling to loose your MUM TUM.

Karen x