Wow, I can’t believe it is week 5 already and as the lovely Liska over at New Mum Online pointed out I have been on my plan for 18 weeks!! That includes the week or two where I had a blip before MUMenTUm began but where has the time gone?
A huge welcome to all the new members of this group. Can’t wait to read all your posts and find out more about you!
So back to me…well I am still doing pretty well. I don’t weigh myself but I have a dress that I wore for Poppy’s 1st Birthday that I wanted to get back in it again (maybe even for Cybermummy)!
At the start of all of this couldn’t even zip it up a teeny weeny bit. Then a while ago I wrote about here how I got it on but I still had a way to go as it didn’t look that good! Well I tried it on this weekend and it fitted. Not only did it fit but Husband told me I looked hot!!…me hot, think it might have been an exaggeration but its the best compliment I have heard for a while. It might have looked good but it could just do with being a little bit loser around my tummy and hips if I want to be able to breath comfortably, sit down and maybe eat or drink hee hee! I really was amazed the different a few months could make. I even tried it on with the bra I originally wore under it and it was huge. I need to go and get measured again I think.
So my Mum Tum has shrank along with the rest of my body back into a UK size 12, a size I usually am comfortable in and happy with. However, I am still not happy as my body has changed shape quite a lot since having babies. Its now my hips and thighs I am most unhappy with, an area that never really bothered me before having babies. I am not vein or seeking perfection but I do live near the sea and want to be able to go out in shorts this summer and wear a bikini on the beach.
I really love the look of this outfit:
So I am going to spend the next few weeks back on my cross trainer and also have my fingers crossed that my HotPants arrive soon!!
Hope you are all doing well and thanks again for all the support, will be catching up on all your posts later.
Karen x