Yesterday I was getting ready to go to a big family lunch.  Husband was upstairs in the shower so dressed in some pretty new underwear I ran downstairs with an armful of clothes, hairdryer, makeup and ghd’s.  The plan was to get ready downstairs so I could keep an eye on the girls. Anyway I caught my reflection in our full length mirror at the bottom of the stairs. Normally I am not one for looking at myself half naked in the mirror and would not be happy with what I saw anyway. However, I was not repulsed…in fact I might even say I was pleasantly surprised.

I am nowhere near ready for my shorts and bikini yet but I didn’t look half bad and I could definitely tell I have lost a bit of weight and toned up. I was so excited I ran upstairs to show my husband, who told me I was looking good!  This put a smile on my face for the rest of the day. I even wore a short dress which actually turned out to be shorter than I thought (as you can see in the photo at the bottom) but I felt really pretty.

Not bad for someone who has suffered with eating disorders in the past, although that was a long time ago.  Now I am just trying to be happy and healthy so I can be around a long time for my girls and set them a good example.  I do not want them to grow up with the same insecurities I did.  It also wasn’t bad considering I took the weekend off!

Honestly I did…no diet and no exercise!!  Instead I had yummy crusty bread rolls, pizza, chocolate, chocolate mouse, ice cream pasta and wine…yummy!  Obviously not all in one go, it was spread throughout the whole weekend! I have overloaded with carbohydrates but do you know what? I don’t feel too bad!  Today I am back on my plan and doing well so far.

I have not been weighing myself as I know thats when things get out of control. But my size 12 clothes are all feeling good on me again so I know I am doing ok. Hope to be feeling even better better by the time cybermummy comes around! Here are a few photos, not the most flattering especially the double chin..but they give you an idea!

Hope you girls are all doing well too and if you too are trying to shift a Mum Tum then feel free to join us.  Just add your name to the linky below.

Karen x