Why do people assume because you have three children you will want more…….a whole brood?

I love my little girls but three is hard work, I'm not afraid to admit it.

Why would I want more?

Ok so the idea of maybe having a little boy would be quite nice.

The idea of another teeny, tiny, cuddly, snuggly newborn would be quite nice.

But they wouldn't stay tiny and the reality of more children…….

Erm no, it's not for us.

More children would mean splitting ourselves and our time even more.

More children would mean the house would be even noisier and messier.

Broken sleep would drag on for longer.

Mummy would feel/ go crazier.

More children would mean we would have less money for treats, holidays, ballet lessons etc.

More children would mean a bigger house and a “mini bus”.

It could even be the difference between being able to afford to help with driving lessons, university fees or even weddings.

No…..more children are not on the agenda in this house.

Anyway we feel complete.

We are a family of five.

Mummy, Daddy and our little flowers – Poppy, Rosie and Daisy.

That is how it meant to be I'm sure.




Our little family.

Karen x