I can’t believe another week has gone already, they are just flying by at the moment. This week we are doing it slightly differently and Liskia over at New Mum Online wants to know the answer to the following questions:

  1. What is working?
  2. What is not working?
  3. What’s worked in the past?
  4. What will you really focus on this week? and
  5. What have you achieved so far?
Okay, sorry about the essay but here goes;

What is working?
 I am doing a combination of a high protein/ low carbohydrate  diet and I am also following the hip Hop Abs Exercise programme.  I am finding the results are fantastic.  A few Months ago I was a very tired Mummy. I  was exhausted, run down, had no energy and didn’t feel particularly pretty. Nowadays I am a much brighter, happier Mummy. I have lots more energy, lots more patience with the girls and wake up after a good nights sleep much happier to face the day. I have also dropped a dress size…so exciting. Admittedly I need to keep doing what I am doing.  I could do with losing about a stone or two and still need to tone, particularly around my lower body but I am well on the way.

What isn’t working?
It is working but I am a bit of a chocolate addict and have struggled with giving this up.  Today I had a tiny bit.  I have found peanuts, the odd Atkins chocolate bar and sugar free jelly with cream hit the spot generally but I do keep thinking about it a lot!

What has worked in the past?
Atkins is my diet of choice.  Its how I lost my weight for my wedding and after having my first little girl.  It’s the only diet I know where you can eat lots of cheese and don’t have to worry!! I am not being as strict with myself this time as still feeding twice a day.  I tend to start the morning with a protein shake made with milk and banana and that seems to be working ok, a little slower than if I didn’t have it but my little girl is happier. If I fancy something nice I might also have a few strawberries or blueberries but only before lunch.

What will I be focussing on this week?
I am going to do a bit more of the DVD that focusses on my hips, bum and thighs and am going to stick to my diet.  

What have I achieved so far?

I am back into size 12 clothes…yeehh!!!.  Today I brought a little summer dress and a summery tunic top both in size 12’s which I was very excited about.  I have also been living in my old jeans that I got back into last week, they are even a little loose around my bottom (although that might be because they need washing). I am also really toning up around my middle.  I am getting my waist back and my tummy is flatter then it has been for a long time.  Husband complimented me last night as I walked out of the room. He said “wife you look less wide from behind”… at least  I think this was a compliment, what do you think? hee hee.

So all in all I think it is going really well.  I am loving having the support of these other lovely ladies and hope you are all doing as well as me.

Keep a look out for more updates and see you all back here next week 🙂

Karen x