Hello again ladies,

Well I am still doing pretty well with my diet and exercise.

However, as you might know via twitter I am really  struggling with cravings for chocolate. This is unusual for me this far into a high protein/ low carb diet! However, I have tried eating nuts, drinking diet Coke and making sugar free jelly and cream but so far nothing has hit the spot. Today I am off to Boots to get myself some low carb Atkins chocolate bars!! I will probably do a little mini review on how good they are and if they rid my cravings once and for all! So watch this space!

The one thing I have noticed recently is that my shape has really changed since having babies and I am not at all happy about it. Obviously my boobs have got bigger, I would have expected that, but I did not expect my lower body to change so much.

Want to be hourglass again!

Now I am finding that my thighs have spread a bit and that my bottom is definitely bigger! Not a good look. I think Gok would tell me I was an hourglass and am now an apple shape.I am hoping through diet and exercise I will be able to change it back but it is taking longer than I thought.  I am about to be an ambassador (along with other members of this group) for Zaggora Hotpants.  I am hoping they are going to be the magic answer. They should be here in about two weeks so watch this space!

To help demonstrate I have decided to share a photo.  This was me at the Zoo yesterday.  I am definitely looking slimmer but still have a way to go! My legs are a long way off being ready for shorts but I am still hoping to get there. My face is thinner, my waist is smaller (although you can’t tell in my unflattering top), my stomach is flatter than it has been in a while, oh and my boobs are back in the right place since I got rid of the nursing bras. So all in all I am doing okay but still need to keep it up!

Hope you are all doing okay too.  Good luck with this week and if you have just come across this blog hop for the first time, feel free to join us.  We are a lovely bunch of people supporting each other with shaping up for the Summer.

Karen x