Not usually known for being thrifty I have even surprised myself this week.

You see we have been after a new dinning room set for awhile. I hated the chairs on ours and with cream material seats and dirty little children they have been impossible to keep clean. Despite constant cleaning they looked dirty, old and worn.

Anyway last week we popped into our local furniture store after seeing the dinning room table we liked on line.

Once there we fell in love with it:



It really was just what we were after. The only worry was that we know we are moving next Summer and then again once more after that. So how well would it travel? We have moved so often with Husbands job that lots our furniture has been bashed, scratched or even broken during the process.

That last move is also hopefully going to be to our forever house! We want the furniture to fit it perfectly. After a bit of a chat I told Husband if we could cover our chairs I might be happier with ours for a little while longer. He was of course delighted and said it wold be worth a try.

I had a quick look on ebay and ordered some cream faux leather fabric that could be wiped clean with a sponge….perfect for dirty little hands. It only cost about £8 too. Why had we not done this before?

Anyway Husband did it (I supervised) and it was really simple.




So whilst I still love the new set, I can now live with ours for a little while longer.

Now what else needs a revamp? Aaahhh I know… this space!

Karen x