It amazes me how confident my little girl is at 4 and how much she is doing/learning at School. Im sure its far more than what I was doing at that age. This week it was her turn to present to her class. Thats right, little presentations at 4 years old. They don't call it that of course but that's what she did.

Poppy has excitedly been waiting for her turn to bring home the Marvellous Me box. The children have to pick up to 5 special things to go in the box that tell the class something about them. They then take the full box back into School and show everyone what they have chosen and explain why they are special to them. They also answer any of the other children's questions.



For weeks I have heard about whose turn it was and what they bought in but this week it was Poppy's turn. I was interested to see what she would pick.



She chose:

Her Candy (from the Skyline Gang) Costume – because she likes dressing up and holidays to Butlins with her family.

Her Winnie the Pooh teddy aka Yellow Ted – because her Auntie Sarah brought him for her when she was little and he used to be her special bear that looked after her at Nursery.

Ballet shoes – because she loves ballet and has been having lessons since she was 2 1/2.

A photo with her Sisters – because they love her, are kind and play with her.

Her digital camera (one of Mummy's very old ones) – because she likes to take photos and wants to get good like Mummy and Daddy.


We went through lots of items before we arrived at these 5, lots didn't fit in! I loved hearing her reasons for picking each thing and how excited she got about sharing them with the class.

I was very shy when I was younger and the thought of this would have terrified me. Apparently though, all the children are loving it and Poppy was certainly thrilled with herself.

A brilliant way of installing confidence in young children.

Karen x