At the start of the year I was a very tired looking Mummy. Run down and shattered, I was far from yummy!

Then I started blogging and a few months later started writing a link each Saturday about my mission to find beauty, fitness or fashion products that work. I called it Make Me Yummy.

These days, despite not being quite a yummy mummy, I am feeling  a million times better about myself. I am not a vain person and do not spend hours in the bathroom, I just do what I can to make myself feel human, a little bit girly and even a bit pretty at times rather than stressed out and worn out as I did before.
With my Pink Lining Yummy Mummy bag over my shoulder, I have a confidence I have not had in a long time. I am far from perfect but feel pretty good. Thanks to Thinking Slimmer and their slimpods, I am losing weight in a safe and healthy way and am starting to think differently about food and my appearance. I am actually starting to like the way I look and am enjoying buying clothes again.
Thanks to Liz Earle I take the time to cleanse, tone and moisturise twice a day now.  My skin has a glow to it it has not had since I was pregnant! 
My black eyes and wrinkles are also improving thanks to some fantastic products I am currently trialling (from Harrods no less), I cant wait to tell you about them very soon.  
My teeth are whiter and brighter too thanks to a new toothpaste and mouthwash by RetarDex 
I am also making time to relax and enjoying warm bubble baths again with lots of lush products (here, here, and here) and a good book!
Its nice to spend a bit of time on myself. I feel more like me again. These days I am looking better, feeling better and sleeping better.
Now for the PR Request!
I have been trialling and reviewing some fantastic products but am on the look out for more. Happy with the beauty products I am currently using on my face, I would be really interested in trialling either some:
  • Fashion products or accessories, 
  • Fitness/ toning products, or 
  • Hair and body products.  
To make the cut, they have to be things that will make us Mummy’s feel a bit yummy!
If you are interested in working with me then please feel free to contact me via email. Details are on the PR/Contact form at the top of this page.
Many thanks
Karen x