We love toys that get you moving in this house so were thrilled to be asked to review the Magic Moves Electronic Wand by Learning Resorces and Blog-Match.

Stomp like a dinosaur, swoop like an eagle, hop like a kangaroo! Get children moving with this engaging activity wand featuring 90 fun, physical commands, 26 random tunes and twinkling lights. Promotes creative movement, gross motor skill development, direction following and listening skills.
To be honest this toy does what it says on the tin! Your little ones won’t be abe to stop themselves wriggling, giggling, dancing and moving and sssshhhh don’t tell everyone but you won’t be able to stop yourself your joining in too 🙂
I thought the best way to demonstrate how this thing works is through a short video clip…enjoy!
A great toy for rainy days and family fun. Thoughly recommended!
Karen x