As regular readers will know I am a huge fan of  Lush products and am addicted to their bath ballistics  and bubble bars.

With Valentines coming up soon Lush have a whole range of products you could either give  to your loved ones as gifts or just treat yourself to get you in the mood!
I was lucky enough to be sent a Leap Frog Bath Bomb to try.
I couldnt wait to try it out, so as soon as the girls were in bed I ran myself a deep bath, dropped it in and waited.  
With a combination of jasmine, sandlewood and rose this frog smells much prettier then it looks.. In fact halfway through my relaxing bath, Husband came upstairs to ask me what I had put in it. Usually not one for noticing let alone commenting, he told me it smelt gorgeous and he could smell it all the way downstairs. Mmmmmmmmm!
The bath turns bright green but the red lips leave a lovely red swirl through it too….gorgeous.
As 2012 is a Leap Year many women will be considering proposing….the idea behind this ballistic is that hidden inside each frog is a little message to help them with this. All excited at the idea of a secret message I couldn’t wait for him to stop fizzing so I could see what it had to say.
Unfortunately this bit was a bit of a let down as this is what I found:
A bit weird I thought and not needed. He would have been perfectly lovely without this.
Anyway if frogs aren’t your thing then Lush have a variety of gorgeous goodies that you might be interested in.
Some of my favourites include:
This gorgeous A million kisses lip tint:
Or perhaps this delicious smelling Love potion massage bar:
Or maybe this pretty and gorgeous smelling Sweetheart soap:
Or  why not go the whole way with the Do Knot Disturb gift set:
For lots more ideas check out Lush for yourself, you will not be disappointed.
Karen x