I must admit usually towards the end of the holidays I am usually ready for them to go back to school and get back into the normal routine However, this time round I am not. We have enjoyed such a lovely holiday I am not in a hurry to get back to normality.
We have spent a week in Cornwall, visited family in Gloucestershire and spent a bit of time at home. We’ve enjoyed lazy mornings, lie ins and late breakfasts, gone on a lot of walks, played beaches and explored quite a few National Trust homes and gardens. We have genuinely just enjoyed time together as a family. Daddy has had the whole two weeks off but is back at work today whilst the girls have an extra day off (an inset day) so we are just playing at home and in the garden and catching up on forgotten homework… whoops!
It really has been lovely and I actually think it might be strangely quiet tomorrow.
Hope you’ve all enjoyed a good holiday too.
Karen x