Last week, whilst on a family break it was brilliant to relax and enjoy my Children's company. Being away from home and the usual routine/chores meant I really got to sit back and just enjoy quality time together. With no electricity or wifi it meant we just played and enjoyed family time. It also meant I got to really notice recent changes in my girls.

Rosie has always been my little monkey. Cute and affectionate but mischievous too, she needs lots of attention and will be a little madam if she doesn't get it. Just before we went away she was driving me nuts with her neediness, hanging off me constantly. Last week though I noticed lots of other things about her.

At 3 Rosie is pretty grown up already. She's quite clever too – can count to 50 already (if she can be bothered or is in the mood). However, she is pretty nervous and sensitive about new things and situations. She's never been keen on big animals and can be quite scared of them. However, with a bit of time and patience she comes round. She will try new things and once she realises she can do something like climbing, she becomes confident quickly. She always tells me she's “brave like a tiger roaaaarrr” so if she doesn't like something she will try again.

Last week we stayed on a real working dairy farm. At first Rosie was very nervous – No, make that petrified of all of the cows. She wanted to see them being fed and milked but was terrified they would eat or hurt her. Madeline, the owner kindly took her under her wing, picked her up so she was higher up and gently explained everything to her. Each day Rosie wanted to go back to see the cows and of course the very lovely Madeline. At the end of the week when asked if she wanted to see a newborn calf at nighttime she positively scampered off to find her wellies. Not scared at all! It was amazing. The transformation in a week was amazing:

She really is a brave little thing. She's still my little monkey but a cute and sensitive one who loves cuddles… Well who doesn't?

Karen x