Weekly photo project. Okay so I’m a bit late starting this year. Three weeks in and I’m going to have to do a catch up post. We were away on holiday for week one, mad crazy busy and back to school week two but finally here I am ready for week three.

Last year I lost my way a bit and especially towards the end of the year didn’t quite manage weekly photos but i’m going to try much harder this year (despite my bad start). The photos I have chosen for the month so far just happen to be of all three of them. I’m not sure how it will work out this year as they all go through phases of not wanting to be photographed. I imagine it will vary.

Here’s my photos for the year so far:

Week 1 – 2016:


This one was taken during our New Years holiday at Coombe Mill. We spent a lot of time with these bunnies and almost brought one home. I love how they brought out the gentler side of Daisy and the confidence in both Rosie and Poppy as they learnt how to pick them up and handle them. This is not the best photo in the world but they all look very happy and sweet together so I love it.

Week 2 – 2016:


Again not the best photo in the world. When a sprinkling of snow came the girls couldn’t wait to get outside. Sadly by the time they were all dressed it had melted and this was all that was left! They still played in it for a good 20 minutes before coming in cold and soggy and in need of hot chocolates. Maybe next time there will be enough to make snowballs and snowmen with.

Week 3 -2016:


For the past three years I have taken photos of the girls with their beloved teepee. Nanny and Gramps brought it for them a few years ago for Christmas and it has been very well loved and used. Its a fantastic story corner, great for tea parties and even movie time on the pad. I love how this photo shows their happy, relaxed and cheeky personalities. It’s amazing to see how they’ve changed over the years so here’s photos from the past two years to compare them against.

the girls

Three cheeky monkeys who are growing up far too quickly.

If you like this post check out My Sisters in 2015.

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Karen x