I have completely slipped up posting a weekly photo each Monday but i’m back again this week with a new one of my girls today:


It was taken on a walk out yesterday. I love how you can see all their little personalities showing through.

Daisy who is very cute but especially cheeky (aka naughty) is tying her best to look as though butter doesn’t melt!

Rosie is looking super sweet and like a good girl. She is going through a lovely phase at the moment and is a happy, kind and pleasant little girl (most of the time).

Poppy who looks far more grown up than her 7 years. Her latest catch phrase is “I’m too cool for that” and here she has the pose to match.

My three gorgeous girls! All so individual. They had been counting the rings on the tree to see how old it was but got bored after 35 deciding to climb on them instead.



Karen x