Pregnant? Suffering from heart burn, nausea or dry mouth? Then you should read on.

At 16 weeks pregnant  I have been suffering from feelings of queasiness, that horrible metallic taste in my mouth and indigestion for the past three weeks. Then I heard about Lillipops. These are icepops specially formulated for pregnant women. They have no artificial colours or preservatives and are thought to work in around 70% of cases.

Each multipack contains 20 20ml ice pops in 5 different flavours:

Lime and Vanilla
Lemon and Mint
Grapefruit and Tangerine
Camomile and Orange

The flavours might sound  a bit weird but don’t be put off. They are actually quite tasty and refreshing. My favourite has to be the lime and vanilla ones, a flavour I wouldn’t normally go for but is actually quite  delicious.

The ice pops do appear to say what they do on the box.   The taste in my mouth disappears for a while being replaced by a fresh one instead. My mouth is left feeling moist and hydrated again and they seem to  alleviate the queasiness for a bit too.  I guess you could say they make me feel quite good so overall they get the thumbs up from me!

The only negative thing is the cost. I feel they are priced much to steeply.  The retail price is  £9.99 a box but they are currently on offer for  £7.30. Even at this price they seem expensive for what they are.

I would love to order a box a week but with a baby on the way do not feel I could justify it. I am not quite sure what is in them to make them so much more expensive than regular ice pops but I think I might have to stick to ordering them when things are really bad or as a treat. I will order them again though.

If you want to try them for your self they are available from Amazon and are very nice.

Just beware, Husbands and children like them too and don’t understand if you tell them they are just for you!

Karen x

Please note I was sent one box of  Lillipops for the purpose of this review but all words and opinions are my own.