I have realised that over the past few weeks I have been a bit of a lazy Mummy. Whilst Rosie naps in the afternoon instead of quality Mummy/Poppy time where we bake, paint, colour and stick -I have been wanting to rest or nest…. but most definitely not wanting a mess made.

Today, though I altered that.

Now, at 3 1/2 Poppy doesn’t take direction very well preferring instead to just get stuck in herself. She likes me to be near her but doesn’t like any help. So this afternoon first, I let her loose with the paints and she had great fun painting the whole family, a house, trees and flowers. Next we raided the recycle tubs and she made herself some binoculars and a princess tiara for me. We both enjoyed ourselves and although I still needed a little rest and a cup of tea before her Sister got up, she felt as though she had had some quality time from me.

Here she is enjoying herself:

It doesn’t take much to keep her happy really and I guess there is always this evening to rest properly when she is in bed.

Karen x