Another week and lots more outside fun. This week though we don't have any big days out to write about, instead we have been keeping it simple and enjoying the simple pleasures that Autumn brings.

We have played in the park and the garden. We have collected leaves to get crafty with, we've jumped in leaves, we've ridden bikes, scooted, climbed trees and even jumped in puddles.

Unlike previous posts though I only have few photos to show you what we've been up to. You see lately my blog and camera have taken a backseat whilst I've been joining in with all the girls activities. Instead of being behind the camera encouraging them to play, I've been holding their hands and joining in and do you know what? It's been great fun and really refreshing.

Here's just a few photos of my girls:

When was the last time you put on your wellies and jumped in a huge puddle? Go on try it, I did 🙂

Karen x