Well I have finally done it, I have made the big move to become self hosted and although its been a lot harder than I imagined, I am glad I have done it. In fact I am really pleased with how my blog is coming along.

I decided to change because I was fed up of copying and pasting bits into my pages including project 366 and my pregnancy/bump diary. WordPress had options that would save me doing this. I also knew it was now or never. With a move coming very shortly and a new baby arriving this Summer I knew I wouldn’t have the time if I left it.

Not that I have done this all by myself of course. The lovely Alex over at at the iproject is responsible for setting  up my theme and updated header (I love the pregnant me), whilst my gorgeous Husband has got back into a bit of design and  provided some funky buttons. They are going to be changing shortly though as they dont quite match my new background…sorry Husband!

It is work in progress but I am getting there I think. The result is very pink,  girly and  me. I am very grateful to them both.

I would love it if you continue to follow me. This year life is going to get busy and I am looking forward to writing all about it.

Thanks for your continued support.

Karen x