I'm feeling very lucky right now and can't stop smiling, you see I've been asked to be a Britax Mumbassador. Britax is one of the world's leading manufacturers of travel solutions with an impeccable safety record in products such as car seats, baby carriers, prams and travel systems and I'm thrilled to be working with them!
We are huge, huge fans of the Company in this house with two out of our three car seats currently being Britax ones. Daisy is still in her Maxi Cosi infant carrier although not for much longer. She wouldn't of even had it had I had known that Britax now sell adapters for the Bugaboo. Did you know that?
It wasn't until I was I talking to the team at BritMums that I found out! Some people may remember whilst pregnant I wrote this post about which car seat to buy. Had I known about the adapters then all my problems would have been solved and I would have known exactly which car seat to go for.
Anyway my new role means I will of course get to review products for them (how exciting) but it also means I will be able to pass on any exciting new updates and news from them. I will even get the opportunity to run competitions/ giveaways so please do watch this space.
In the meantime thank you very much Britax, I'm really looking forward to working with you.
Karen x
July 17, 2013 at 8:10 pm (12 years ago)well done Karen this is brilliant! x