So on Saturday I ran my 10k for race for Life and thought I would give you a little update on how I did.

I ran it with my very best friend Sarah who was amazing to run with:


She could have run much faster but stuck with me all the way, giving me lots of little tips along the way and we finished in my fastest time ever – 1 hour and 6 minutes. I was very proud of myself!




My Sister, Husband, her boys and my parents were all there to support us. Unfortunately my Husband was really poorly at home and didn’t make it with our girls. I know they would have loved it though:

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You should give it a go next time! Honestly back in February I didn’t think it would be possible. I could barely run to the end of the street before needing a wee and now look at me. I run between 7 and 10ks every weekend. I am really enjoying running again and am definitely going to keep it up.

I was really impressed to see so many children running too. I might have to get my girls involved next year.

Anyway if you would still like to sponsor me feel free to do so at my just giving page.

Karen x